Our Beliefs

Here is a summary of the beliefs that inspire us and shape who we are and what we do.   These beliefs are subject to the authority of the Bible and informed by the historic faith statements of the Presbyterian Church (USA).  


Jesus Christ, through his life, death, and resurrection, has accomplished all that is necessary for us to experience the fullness of life for which we were created.  


We do not and cannot earn right standing with God; rather, we are invited to receive by faith God’s gift of life in Christ.  


To be a Christian is to be a follower of Jesus, actively engaged in the process of becoming more and more like him: “Jesus loves us just the way we are, and too much to let us stay that way.”


Liberating life-change is possible because the power of the Holy Spirit is at work in and among us; this life-change is shaped and guided by the word of God as revealed in the Bible.


The spiritual journey is meant to be lived out in deep relationship with other followers of Christ in the community we call the church.


The church is called to make a difference in the world, serving those in need, promoting reconciliation, working for justice, and respectfully and joyfully inviting all to become followers of Jesus.   

For a fuller description of what we believe, click here to see “A Brief Statement of Faith” from the Book of Confessions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)